Link Analysis Consulting and CodeCenters.
Produce Actionable Intelligence from an
Unlimited Amount of Data
Advanced Link Analysis
Training and Consulting
Link Analysis Training and Project Consulting from the Experts
Link Analysis software helps organizations efficiently piece together disparate data into a single cohesive intelligence picture. At CodeCenters, we have been working with link analysis methods for over 20 years and we have been using i2 and in-house custom linking software for most of that time. With many competitors in the market, i2 is still the industry standard for organizations who need timely, actionable intelligence to help identify, predict, prevent and disrupt criminal, terrorist and fraudulent activities.
Link Analysis Consulting
Working with your team, we can help you discover links, transit paths and relationships for any type of law enforcement, legal or business data. If you are a data security officer, we have solutions for you. We commonly use i2 for network security and financial transaction auditing, where we bring in millions of transactions and digital packets to pinpoint hard to find issues, which is almost impossible to do with other software. So whether you have a small case or enterprise sized issue, we can help.
Training - Our focus is for you to become an expert practitioner
If you need to learn how to analyze and link data from your RMS system or investige a global data threat, our operationally based training can meet your needs.
If you have a niche environment, we can produce training data sets that will simulate your analysis environment so you understand how the data relates and what you can expect when you get started with live data. Our auditors and AML analysts use i2 and other link analysis software as part of their suite of investigative and analysis tools, so you are guaranteed a real-world training experience. Additionally, we offer follow-on remote training and consulting for large or complex projects as needed to ensure an end-to-end solution.
We deliver standard and custom project-mission based link analysis courses on request. We would be happy to work with you to ensure all of your training needs are met and exceeded.
i2 Notebook Courses are currently available for our existing customers only
i2 Notebook Course – Foundation Essentials
3 Days onsite – Instructor Led
This (3) three-day course provides the skills required to use i2 Analyst’s Notebook as a tool in the analytical role the Analyst resides.
The course focuses on the Analyst developing an understanding of the programs interface and tools, methodology in constructing manual charts, basic techniques in importing structured data into Analyst’s Notebook and analytical techniques to conduct analysis to uncover relationships and associations. This course training curriculum insures the student has a basic understanding of how to use Analyst’s Notebook and its basic functions.
This course is specifically designed for the individual who is new to i2 Analyst’s Notebook and relevant for those who work in national security, law enforcement, customer intelligence and research.
A basic understanding of and working knowledge of Windows and Microsoft Office Suites.
Key topics
Know the basic terminology used when working in Analyst’s Notebook
Learn to Navigate in the interface of Analyst’s Notebook
Understand how to create manual charts by creating entities and links in Analyst’s Notebook
Learn to merge multiple charts and how different types of data will display when comingled
Resolve any duplicate information to uncover relationships and associations
Understand the basics in conducting Analysis and how the Visual Search tool is used in pattern analysis
Understand the type of data that can be used when importing into Analyst’s Notebook
Understand how the Analyst’s Notebook import function works and how to get the results you are looking for
Understand how to prepare products for presentation and dissemination
At the end of the course the attendees will have a foundation as to the use and analysis capabilities of the i2 software. Students will be able to use i2 analyst notebook create charts based on all known information and also understand how to use the analysis tools for searching and analyzing the information within a chart so they are equipped to solve their daily work tasks.
Follow-on courses - IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook - Advanced Analysis
i2 Notebook Course - Advanced Analysis
2 Days onsite – Instructor Led
This i2 Analyst’s Notebook Advanced course is designed to provide students that have a working knowledge of Analyst’s Notebook, the opportunity to further their skills in search and discovery functions. This course will focus on how to set up Advanced Import Specifications, Advanced Analytic techniques using the i2 Analytic Tools, and use of the display tools that turn the data and analysis results into actionable intelligence. More importantly his course will cover data types and how different data sets can be used to correlate active intelligence.
This advanced course is specifically designed for Analysts working in Commercial and Government sectors.
Having attended the IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Essentials course, or equivalent i2 Analyst's Notebook experience.
Key topics
I. Advanced Network and Timeline Analysis
Using real world examples, conduct detailed imports utilizing complex Phone record, shipping and business data and uncover hidden connections
Understand how to align different types of data such as law enforcement data verses business and social media data
Learn how to identify patterns and sequences and Financial Record Data
Understand the type of data that can be used when importing into Analyst’s Notebook
II. Advanced Analytic Tools
Understand how to conduct advance detailed and accurate analysis utilizing the Social Network Analysis to examine network characteristics, including smaller sub-networks, the relationship between prominent entities of interests, and how information directly and indirectly flows within different parts of the network.
How to use Bar Charts and Histograms views to quickly identify, select, and drill down in to information of relevance
Conditional Formatting
III. Using Geospatial Data
Learn how to combine geospatial data and understanding with both association and temporal analysis
Practice using the Google Earth Exporter to export selected chart data to an installed Google Earth client
ESRI users will learn how to use the ESRI connector to work with mapping data within the Analyst’s Notebook interface
IV. Customizing
Understand how to work with Chart Properties to create and customize Entities and Links in Analyst’s Notebook to meet the analyst’s specific requirements
Learn how to create and share templates
IV. Publishing
Learn how to run a report
Learn how to save charts as slide show, PDF, JPG or send an embedded chart in another file format
At the end of the course the skills gained will include: Advanced Importing, Advanced Analysis, Customization and Publication.
Specialty i2 Notebook Courses
Course 1 - IBM i2 Analyst Notebook: Link & Case Charting
Duration: 2 Days
Learning Outcome:
You will be able to use i2 to manually create target, network, and case charts to progress your investigations.
Course Content:
Link charting theory
Introduction to functionality in i2 analyst notebook
Create link and network charts; add entities, links, groupings and attributes
Make the chart professional: corners, highlighting, frames
Merge charts
Add images, change entity representation, add extra information
Map chart items
Create case charts
Social Network Analysis
Customize i2 for your organization
Publish and brief your i2 charts professionally
Course 2 - IBM i2 Analyst Notebook: Importing & Analysis
Duration: 2 Days
Learning Outcome:
You will be able to expertly cleanse, import, and analyse a range of data types.
Course Content:
Plan and create import specifications
Import using different file types
Import call records, financial, and relationship data
Cleansing data using column actions
Manage and share import specifications
Analyse using Filters & Histograms
Uncover new information using Conditional Formatting
Course 3 IBM i2 Analyst Notebook: Advanced Call Records Analysis
Duration: 2 Days
Learning Outcome:
You will gain an advanced understanding of how to import and analyse call records data.
Extract Transform and Load (ETL)
What to look for in call records data
Importing call records data
Analysis of individual of interests call records
Geo-location Analysis
Identify direct contact and common contacts within networks
Using substitution files and look up tables
Selection sets
Cleaning up call records data for import
Big Data Link Analysis Solutions
Support for Data Set of Over 1 Billion Records and Streaming Data
Support for Data Set of Over 1 Billion Records and Streaming Data
With our background in analytical cubes and as one of the first companies to reconcile large data sets based on extended packet captures, we can easily handle data sets of over 1 Billion records. Analyzing and converting high velocity streaming data into link analyzed schemas is one of the advantages we have in visualizing a global investigation. Call today for more information and to find out how we link facts down to the packet level.
Contact us to find out more. Sales@ CodeCenters.,com